DS Cleaner Package

DSCleaner’s class diagram

These are the main components of the package

Dscleaner class diagram

dscleaner.IFileInfo class

class dscleaner.ifileinfo.IFileInfo(file)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface which must be implemented if you want to support your own filetype; Used as an argument to FileWriter, FileUtil and FileMerger.


Adds samples given by samples.

Parameters:samples – An array containing samples. It must be shaped like (n,c) where c is the number of channels.

Defines the behavior the class should have when leaves the context manager.

If a file descriptor is being used you should always define the close method.

Returns:The filepath of the current file.
Returns:The number of channels the file has.
Returns:The number of frames the file has.
Returns:The samplerate of the file.
Returns:All the samples the file has.

Writes to the file the samples given in samples.

It will truncate the old samples. If you want to add, use the addSamples method.

Parameters:samples – An array containing the new samples. It must be shaped like (n,c) where c is the number of channels

Truncates the file to have only the first num_frames samples.

Parameters:num_frames – The number of frames the file will have.

dscleaner.CSVFileInfo class

class dscleaner.csvfileinfo.CsvFileInfo(samples, samplerate)[source]

Bases: dscleaner.ifileinfo.IFileInfo

CsvFileInfo is used when there is no actual file, but an array.

The array must be shaped in (n,c) where c is the number of channels.


See the base class ifileinfo.


Does nothing since the sample container is an array.


Don’t rely on this method because it’s not implemented.


See the base class ifileinfo.


See the base class ifileinfo.


See the base class ifileinfo.


See the base class ifileinfo.

setSamples(samples, framerate=None)[source]

See the base class ifileinfo.


See the base class ifileinfo.

dscleaner.FileInfo class

class dscleaner.fileinfo.FileInfo(path)[source]

Bases: dscleaner.ifileinfo.IFileInfo

Defines the class to manipulate soundfiles.

Receives a path to a file.

Copies the file to a temporary location.

Gets edited through the FileUtil.

FileWriter converts and writes to another location.


  • close method MUST always be called or else the temporary file stays in disk.
  • with statements should be used in order to close the files automatically.

Appends the samples to the file.

Similar to ´setSamples()´ but appends instead of truncating. See the base class ifileinfo.


Must always be called or the file won’t be accessible by other processes AND the temp file will stay in disk. See the base class ifileinfo.

Returns:The duration of the file in seconds.

See the base class ifileinfo.

Returns:Number of channels the file has.

See the base class ifileinfo.


See the base class ifileinfo.


Reads all of the samples in the file

Returns:numpy array containing the samples.
Returns:The rounded duration in seconds.
setSamples(samples, samplerate=None)[source]

Writes the ´samples´ as the new samples in the file.

  • samples – numpy array shaped like (n,c), where c is the number of channels.
  • samplerate – the new sample rate the file will have, if none it will use the initial samplerate.

Truncates the file to only have num_frames.

dscleaner.FileUtil class

class dscleaner.fileutil.FileUtil(f)[source]

Bases: object

FileUtil class is where the dataset manipulation occur.

The class should be instantiated with a with statement.

Parameters:f – a IFileInfo specialization must be supplied!
fix_duration(expected_duration, grid_rate=50)[source]

Fixes the file to the expected duration.

  • expected_duration – Duration the file should have in minutes.
  • grid_rate – frequency of the grid in hertz, this is used to discover the wave signal in order to upsample.
resample(new_framerate, method='kaiser_fast')[source]

Resamples the data to the new framerate using librosa resample.

  • data – numpy.array shaped like (num_frames,num_channels) is expected to receive the soundfile.getSamples() not the transposed array.
  • original_framerate – the original framerate the data array uses.
  • new_framerate – the new framerate that data will be resampled to.
  • method – Methods that librosa accepts are also accepted here, uses kaiser_fast by default.

This method transforms the values to fit between -1 and 1, in order to be used in soundfiles.

If the source file isn’t a soundfile the target file will not be well formated, hence you should run this method to make the file well formated.

Parameters:*dividers – The number which each channel will be divided by in order to standardize that channel.


In order to maintain consistency throughout the dataset it is advised that the divider chosen for each channel to be a bit higher than the max value. It is also advised to keep record of the divider for each channel for future unstardartization.

Max amplitude is 75 divider chosen: 90.
A tuple with the dividers used to standardize.
(40,30,30) in a three channel file.

You should keep these values for future reference.

dscleaner.FileWriter class

class dscleaner.filewriter.FileWriter(file, mode='w')[source]

Bases: object

Writes to a file.

The class should be instantiated with a with statement.

  • file – Accepts either a FileUtil, or IFileInfo Specialization.
  • mode – Allows for w for writing or a for appending.
create_file(new_filepath, samplerate=None)[source]

Creates a new file with the extension given in new_filepath.

If the source file isn’t a soundfile the target file will not be well formated.

In order to normalize, you should run FileUtil.standardize method before.

  • - The diretory and name the new file will have, (new_filepath) – it will convert based on file extension.
  • samplerate (Optional) – if not supplied it will use the own file samplerate.
create_file_EMDDF(new_filepath, json_file, samplerate=None)[source]

Creates a soundfile with the EMD-DF format, recurs to the pyemddf package


Only works on wave and wave64 files.

  • samplerate (optional) – Samplerate of the file.
  • json_file – a JSON file with the metadata fields, you can get a template
  • it by executing pyemddf.create_template_file() (for) –

dscleaner.Merger class

class dscleaner.merger.Merger(channels, path, samplerate, cutoff=None, mode='a')[source]

Bases: object

Merger allows for creation of an empty soundfile to store multiple datasets easily.


W64 filetype is recommended, given it can store up to 18 exabytes of data.

  • channels – Number of channels the files parsed should have.
  • path – the path where the new merger file should be created.
  • samplerate – samplerate to write on the file.
  • cutoff – how often should the file be written NOT IMPLEMENTED (eg. for each 1024MB of data reached a new file is created)
  • mode – either ‘a’ or ‘w’ if the file should be appended or truncated, respectively. Default behavior: append

Adds new samples to the buffer array.

When create_file method is executed the buffer gets emptied.

Parameters:*files – An array, containing several pathes to files or IFileInfos specializations, although the latter is preferred.

Creates a new file with the filename, converts based on extension given in new_filename

When executed the sample buffer will be emptied, so create_file should be executed frequently.

Parameters:samplerate – Samplerate of the file.

dscleaner.Splitter class

class dscleaner.splitter.Splitter(channels, path, samplerate, max_length)[source]

Bases: object

Splitter allows splitting an existing file.

  • channels – Number of channels the files parsed should have.
  • path – the path where the new merger file should be created.
  • samplerate – samplerate to write on the file.
  • max_length – Maximum file length in minutes.

Adds new samples to the buffer array.

When create_file method is executed the buffer gets emptied.

Parameters:*files – An array, containing several pathes to files or IFileInfos specializations, although the latter is preferred.

Creates a new file with the filename, converts based on extension given in new_filename

When executed the sample buffer will be emptied, so create_file should be executed frequently.

Parameters:samplerate – Samplerate of the file.

dscleaner.Utils module


Receives an input and checks if it is actually a number


Cleans extra / characters, splits the path in 4 parts: See example

Parameters:path – Receives a path
dictionary with the following keys:
{full_path, path, file, file_name, extension}
Return type:tuple


>>> path.splitter('C:/Data/example.wav/')